Soft edit Project File Download

 Soft edit Project File Download



  What is up you guys so today is going to be a tutorial on how to do five warping transitions, in Alight Motion so let’s get started with the tutorial okay so the first transition I’m going to use is the twirly sack so let’s go to effects, and search up twirl and then we’re going to add it onto our first clip okay now 

    let’s go down to the settings and as you can see if I drag that angle to the right it sort of twirls in a circle and also if I keep it at like 60 and I move the radius, it rotates it a bit so I’m just going to reset these settings right now and then I’m going to go to the end of the clip where I want to transition to start and I’m going to press the two key frame buttons, for angle and twirl radius and then at the very end of the clip I’m going to adjust the angle to be about as much as I wanted tutorial so it’ll be like one no three ninety nine and the twirl radius will be forty four but because you can see some of the black edges.


 I’m just going to scale this so I want to stay at the end of the clip and destroy that scale up and then press the keyframe button, and then go to where our transition starts and then reset the parameter so it starts at 100 okay so now you can see that it’s sort of twirls and we’re going to need to do the same thing for our second clip because, it kind of looks odd just having the first clip looking like that so we can actually do is you can save this as a preset so you can actually add this to any of your video clips very easily without redoing the same settings over and over again  

 so if I select the twirl and then hold command on my keyboard, and select the motion as well and then I right click there’s a set of options and I’m going to press save preset and then if you just name the preset I’ll just name it twirl transition,and then press ok okay so now if we go to you sex and we can search up twirl transition like we named it and it will be under our presets and I’m just going to add it to my second clip ok bye as you can see the transition happens, at the end of the clip so we’re just going to drag those keyframes. 

so I’m going to go to where the transition is kind of happening and then right before the transition starts I want to press the keyboard button for scale and then go to where the transition ends and then once again press that keyframe button, and then I’m going to go to the middle of it and just scale it into like 105 so that’s that effect sort of appears through and you can do this to all these transitions, and yeah make it look like colorful I guess so yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video please give us thumbs up if you did scribe for more videos and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye guys

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