Hello everybody video Lancer is on in this video I will show you how to create such a zoom transition directly in Alight Motion, last time we reviewed how to create the similar transition and Alight Motion but as contrasted to After Effects Alight Motion, is rather limited in tools for creation of any effects so it is impossible to achieve, the same level of quality however we will make the most similar transition out of the available effects
so let’s start create a new adjustment layer, and place it above the first clip shorten the adjustment layer so that its duration was no longer than a quarter of a second now we’ll make zoom out animation, to do this it is necessary to add mirrored image copies in order to fill these holes it is easy to do in Alight Motion with the help of motion tile effect but unfortunately there is no similar effect in Alight Motion.
so we have to use more complicated workaround rename adjustment layer, and to tile and use replicate effect set count parameter on three apply mirror effect place reflection Center accurately on the junction of two tiles copy mirror effect and make reflection for the opposite side you repeat these actions for upper and lower tiles you duplicate this adjustment layer, to the third video track remove unnecessary effects and call it scale in now apply.
transform effect set scale value on 300 this will return image size into its original scale, due to tripling the image has lost its original quality but take into account that the transition will be quick and blurred so quality change, will be quite obscure set animation key for scale on the first frame of the layer set value 100 in the end of the layer let’s add motion blur, to do this switch off this checkbox and set maximum value for shutter angle to do smoother animation edit keys graphs you.
now let’s create animation for the second part of the transition duplicate, the adjustment layer and call it scale out edit Keys graphs in order to make ending of the transition smooth you now let’s add chromatic aberrations duplicate, the adjustment layer on the 4th video track remove unnecessary effects and call it aberrations extend the lair until it is a little longer than layers with scale animation, apply VR Digital glitch effect to this layer set zero value for parameter distortion rate animate parameter color distortion.
so that the peak was at the junction you make animation smoother with the help of graphs you now we’ll add optical distortions apply lens distortion effect, animate parameter curvature so that the peak was at the junction you in order for animation to look better keys graphs, for scale and curvature can be edited a little it’s ready in the final.
let’s add a sound effect you you it’s ready as effects of this transition are distributed, on several layers it’s impossible to save it as a standard preset however you can create nest sequence for it that can be used in other projects now you can drag this transition from project panel, into any sequence before doing this you have to switch on the option of inserting sequence from other sequences you that is all if you like similar effects.
you can get thousands of similar transitions ready for use all the transitions are professionally, animated and also they include a sound effect for convenience every transition has preview and is applied by simple drag-and-drop, method if you want to get this package please follow the link you can see on the screen I do hope this video tutorial was useful for you subscribe to my channel not to miss new video tutorials this was video Lancer see you later.