Priyanka Mohan Soft Edit Preset Xml Download


There are a few different ways that. You can add. Audio fades to your music and sound effects and Alight Motion . The first way. Is using the built in default transitions. The second. Way is. Using the PEN tool and the third. Way is using it using. using auto ducking. The third way is to use.

 Auto ducking using the essential sound panel. Let’s first start with the default. Transitions using the built in audio transitions is the. Easiest way to do a fade. Out here. In my timeline, I have the sequence of hot air balloons from Turkey and I have this nice music track from Epidemic Sound, and I want it to. Fade out. At the end. With the video fade out. So what I can do is I can just go to the. Outpoint of the music track and I can control click and select. 

Apply default. Transition. If I zoom in to the timeline, you can. See added a. Constant power transition. Now, if I want to make this longer, because right now it’s a little bit short, I can actually roll. This out. To make it longer. Now, when. We play it back, it’ll gradually fade out and so if. You tend to always make the duration of your transition longer and you want it to default to be in longer so that you don’t have to extend it out each time, you can actually go to Alight Motion  Preferences Timeline. 

And here from audio transition, default duration, you can change this duration. So if you always want it to be 3 seconds instead of one second, you can hit. OK, so now if I delete constant power in play default transitions, it’ll. Default always to three. Seconds. There are three different crossfade that you can use. The constant gain, the constant power and the exponential effect. Constant power. Is the default because. It’s generally the smoothest and it just. Gradually fades. Out. Constant gain. Sometimes the fade can feel a. Little bit abrupt. That’s why a lot of. People don’t end up using this one. But exponential fade is actually great. 

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I use this one a lot. If you want to change exponential. Fade to the default. You can control. Click on it and set. Selected as default. Transition. And now it has. That blue. Outline around it as the. Default. Another exponential fade. Is the. Default. Let me show you the difference. Let’s play the constant power now. Let’s delete. That and apply default and let me show you how that sounds see how it ends a little. Bit quicker.

 Than the constant. Power. So I tend to leave exponential fade as my default. And welcome. Back. My name is Kelsey. And if this video is helping you out so far. Be sure to. Give it a thumbs up. As well as subscribe. And this month, I’m also running a live sound editing and mixing workshop. If you want to register, there’s a link just down below. And also a huge. Thanks to make sound for sponsoring today’s. Video. All of. The music and sound effects in this video is from Epidemic Sound, and it’s completely. Royalty free and YouTube. Friendly, meaning you won’t get any copyright. Strikes. 

And the best part is it’s unlimited. So you can download as much as you want to try out and play around until your. Edit is good. For example, with this opening sequence, I downloaded. A bunch of car drive bys and. Worked sound effects to. Add to the edit to bring it to life. So for example. For this demo edit. With the hot air balloons. And I added this here in the timeline. So when the. Car drives by wash. Another wash and another wash and then the car driving off. So epidemic sound. If you go there, you can search, premiere, go and. You’ll find my playlist. Of great background trucks for video but they also have lots of other playlists that you can browse if you’d like to try. Epidemic sound to get unlimited sound effects and music. You can use my link. Below to get 30 days. Free when you sign up for a personal or a commercial plan. All right, so now let’s go into the second method of doing an audio feed using the PEN tool. To use the PEN tool to create fake IDs. First, you want to go to the rent tool and make. Sure that show audio. Keyframes is turned on.

 So that way on your audio. Track, if. I expand this out, you will see a white line and that is the volume which we can manipulate. So to add a fade. Using the PEN tool, we can just. Press P. On our keyboard to bring up the pen tool and then click at the point where you want the fade to start. And then we can click at the end and just bring it down. Now, this is a linear fade. So if I play this back, this. Is what it sounds like if you want it to be more of a curve, press command, if you’re on a Mac or Control, if you’re on a PC and click on this dot and then we can move this blue handle to kind of have it not fade. Out. Quite as much in the beginning and then exponentially fade at the end. So let’s. Just see how this. Sounds. So it’s pretty cool. The pencil. 

Gives you a lot of flexibility and. You can make as many points as you want if you want to. For example, duck the audio down when there’s dialog. Which brings. Us to the next one, which is. Audio. Docking

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