Pooja Hegde Soft Edit Preset Xml Download


Hello video creators! Welcome to Rc edits. 

In today’s tutorial I’m going to show you how to make the following… …Smooth Grid Zoom transition. To make this transition, we’ll first create a four-grid video wall… …then zoom out on one of the clips and zoom in to the next one. We’re going to do this all inside Alight Motion. But you should also be able to do this in older versions… …like CC2017 or maybe even CS6. For some parts of the transition, I’ve also made a preset.

 You can download these presets for free. More on that, later on in the video. This tutorial video consist of two parts. In the first part you will learn how to build the transition. And, in the second part, you will learn how to import and use the presets. You can find the timestamps for both parts in the video description. Before we move over to Premiere… …I want to tell you why you need a subscription on … …the sponsor of this video. Envato Elements is a great source for all your creative projects. They offer millions of high-quality items. Like stock video and images. Music and Sound Effects. But also many transition templates and presets. 

If you want to try them out, then use the link in the video description… …to claim a discount on your first month. The links can be found in the video description. Okay, let’s now head over to Premiere and start some editing. So, first I will show you how the transition and the presets are made. This way you know what to adjust if you want to customize them. Here, on the timeline, I’ve already got two clips that we’re going to use for the demo. And, besides that, I’ve also got two images that we’re going to use for the footage wall, or grid. Now, to start off, we’re going to put the second clip on the second track of the timeline… …partially above the first one. In my experience, around 3 seconds of overlap works best for this transition. But, of course, you can use any duration that you prefer. 


Now, we can add both stills to the timeline, right on top of the other two clips. Next I’m going to switch over to the Razor Tool by hitting the C key, or click this icon here. And then, we’re going to cut the track at this point. And, we’ll also cut the bottom track at this point. Then we can switch back to the Selection Tool, by hitting the V key, or click this icon here. Then select the parts that we just cut off and remove them by hitting the “Delete” key. Now we can also move this cut off part back to the first track, just to keep it all organized. Now here, we’ve got the four parts that we’re going to use for the footage grid. But, before we can do that, we first need to do some Scaling. And that’s because the images are a lot bigger then the size or resolution of the sequence.

 So I will select one of the images and then head over to the Effects Control Panel… …and then scale it down until it looks better inside the frame. I also want to resize the second image, so I’m going to disable the top track for now. And then I can select the second image on the timeline… …and then also scale it down inside the Effects Control Panel. And in case you also need to adjust the scaling for the second track… …you could always disable the third track, and so on. In the next step we’re going to “Nest” the four layers. And we’re going to do this because all the layers have different resolutions. To do this, right click on one of the layers and then select Nest. You can then accept the default name and click OK. And we’re going to repeat this same step for the other 3 layers. This Nesting part is important because if we don’t do this… …all the next steps for this tutorial will fail. And now to make this one complete, we’ll also Nest all the nested sequences together.

                    XML LINK HERE

 So, I’m going to select them all, then right click and select Nest. And then accept the default name and click OK. Next we can double click on this nested sequence to open up the other four layers. In the next step we’re going to apply the Transform Effect to all the nested sequence layers. In the Effects Panel, we’re going to search for transform… …you’ll find this one under Video Effects, Distort. We can now drag this effect over to the timeline and then apply to all the 4 separate layers. And now that all the layers have the Transform effect applied… …we’re going to adjust them one by one inside the Effects Control Panel. We’re going to set the Scaling value to 50% for all the 4 layers. And, for this example, we want this image to be in the left top corner… …because the transition will be from the top right to the bottom left. 

So, I’ll set the position values to 960:540. And this, by the way, is a 4K 16:9 aspect ratio sequence. If you’re using a full HD resolution, then you need other position values. Let’s continue on with the next layer. This is the second image, and we want this one to be in the right bottom corner. As you’ve just seen, we need to change this one to 2880:1620. And then also set Scaling to 50%. Next, we’ve got the second clip in the video transition. As I said, we’re going to move from the top right to the bottom left. So, this one needs to be in the bottom left. First I’ll set Scaling to 50 and then change to position value to 960:1620. And now we’ve only got the first clip left over to be changed. First I’m going to set Scaling to 50 and then change the position values to 2880:540. And that looks perfect. All the layers in their right position. Now, we can close this nested sequence and then go back to the main sequence. As you can see we’ve now got the 4 clips ready for the zoom out and in animation. And, we’ll also do this with the Transform effect. So, I will apply this effect to the nested sequence. And then make sure you’ve got the nested sequence selected… …head over to the Effects Control Panel… …and enable keyframes for Scaling and Position. First, I’ll create a couple of keyframes for Scaling. We’ll need 2 keyframes with value 200% at the beginning and the end of the transition. And we’ll also need 2 more keyframes with value 100%… …and these 2 will be in the middle of the transition. And together, these are the 4 keyframes that we’ll need for Scaling.

 Next, we’re going to create a couple of keyframes for position. The first one will be in the right top corner, so I’ll use Position 0:2160. And then I’ll move this keyframe to the beginning of the transition. And next I’ll need 2 keyframes with value 1920:1080 for the middle. Also, make sure that the Position keyframe are aligned with the keyframes for Scaling. We need one more keyframe with value 1920:1080… …and also align this with the Scaling keyframe. For the final keyframe I’m going to move a couple of frames forward… …and this one will be the Position keyframe for the left bottom corner. And the value for this one is 3840:0. And that keyframe needs to be moved to the end of the transition. 

Next, we’ll make the animation a bit more smoother. We’re going to select and right click on the last keyframes and then select “Ease In”. And then do the same for the first keyframes, but then select “Ease Out”. And now we finished the top right to bottom left zoom transition. And I’ve got some good news for you. I’ve made a couple of presets in 8 different directions. And I’m going to start by telling you where to download them. If you follow the link in the video description… …you will get to a page that looks something like this. As I mentioned in the beginning of this video, it is free. But if you do want to make a donation, then please donate your like to this video… …or leave a comment below, that really helps a lot. Anyway, to continue, you need to click on buy now. In the next screen you need to enter your email address, select your country… …accept the terms and conditions and then click continue. After that, you should receive a download link in your mailbox in a couple of minutes. After downloading, be sure to unzip the files before you move over to Premiere. Inside Premiere, you need to go to the Effects Panel and then go to the presets section. Right click on it, and then select Import Presets. Then browse through the folder where you’ve got the extracted preset file. Select it, and then click OPEN. 

For this demo we’re going to use the bottom left to top right transition. Now that we know which transition direction we’re going to use… …we can apply the position presets to the layers. And you can do this by simply dragging the presets over to the timeline. And now everything is in the right place to make the transition… …from the bottom left to the top right. And to do this, we need to select all the nested layers… …then right click and then select Nest. You can accept the default name and then click OK. And, after that, the final step is adding the right direction preset to the nested sequence. And that’s it! These are the steps that you need to follow to use my presets. And that also concludes this video grid zoom transition. I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial… …and if you did you might also want to check out one of these 2 videos. Anyway, as always, thanks a lot for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day. 

              PRESET LINK HERE

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