Glowing Lyrics Video

How To Make Instagram Trending Glowing Lyrics Video Making In Alight Motion || RC edits official


                Glowing Lyrics Video

all right hey what’s up ladies and gentlemen . 


today we’re going to take a look on how to create a clean and simple text animation, that just looks so professional,in Alight Motion alright if you didn’t know already in Alight Motion you can apply individual animation, effects to your text Alight Motion, itself already comes with a few presets, that you can apply to your text but honestly these effects really suck and today.

Clean Text:

I’m going to show you how to apply your own effects, to your text and just how to make them very clean and simple, this is super easy to do but it doesn’t have to be hard to do and it doesn’t have to be complex.


#what we can do alright I’m actually also working on a preset text animation pack, which it’s currently enough, out yet but when you’re watching this video it might already be out I will put a link in the description.

Text Animations:

#Alight Motion you can simply change the text in Alight Motion and it’s going to key that exact same animation and as you made it yourself the fonts and everything will be synced together in 


Alight Motion you will have an awesome animation alright so that’s it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed it if you did give this video a like also subscribe to the channel for more and definitely check out our website we have a bunch to offer and as I said it helps you support the channel so that will be awesome thank you and see you on the next one good bye you 

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