Ae Inspired Transition Xml Download


                     Ae Inspired Transition


 Today we’ll be showing you how to create a slide transition, in Alight Motion alright so that looks pretty cool let’s have a look on how to create this and get started if you enjoy my videos be sure to hit the subscribe button, and hit about icon to make sure that you get notified, when I upload new videos alright here we are an Alight Motion and let’s take a look on how to create that slide effect in Alight Motion.

TI Have two video files right here which you can actually download with the link in the description.

Slide Transition:

if you want to follow along with the same footage I will drag this into a new sequence right here, actually bring it into my slide effect video 1 and video 2 so what you can do to create a slide effect is actually trim your video like this and bring them together go to effects go to video transitions, and slide push and apply to push effect right here now it’s going to push the video like this you can of course trim it make it a little bit shorter and you have a slide effect for some people this works but for me it doesn’t do it because it’s a very linear movement, meaning that from the first frame it’s actually going to have a constant speed until the end so it’s going to be very abrupt it’s not going to have a flow to it.

   so I  don’t really like it so what I will do is delete my push effect and yeah make my videos as long as I can again there I go so what I will do is go to the end of my first video and go ten frames backwards so with the left arrow on the keyboard, we have one two three four five six seven eight nine and 10 we can bring the second video on top of it on a new layer and just let it meet together.

so now we have a tenth frame overlap of our videos so now I’ll go to my first video and where the second video actually start we’re going to effect controls, right here and click on the stopwatch for a position of our first video then a little bit further away.



so we’re going to start off here so we’re going one frame backwards and then just move it to the left until it’s off-screen again there we go so we can drag this keyframe all the way to the beginning and now we’re going to have a very linear animation just like the push effect that we’re used to now what I want to do is click on my first video and select both of these keyframes and what we’re going to do now is right click temporal interpolation and change it to a Bezier this is going to make it a lot smoother a lot more flow on going on here.

   we go so now we have a very ramping up animation so it’s going to start off slow speed up to let’s max speed and then slowly comes to stop again we’re going to do the same thing for the second video so click on it select all of the keyframes right click temporal interpolation this year we’re going to open up the arrow right here and do the same thing again there.


I’m going to click on a new item so on this icon and create a new adjustment layer, click OK and drag this adjustment layer on top of your video right here now go to the effects and go to video effects, right here blur and sharpen and apply a directional blur, to that adjustment layer go to the center of the adjustment layer so that’s at a 5 frame overlap of the videos below it, 


 so alright that’s it for this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did give it this video a like and definitely subscribe to the channel for more and also check out our website we have a bunch to offer and if you buy something from our website it helps to support the channel so I’ll see you in the next one and good bye.

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