Ae Inspired Transition in Alight Motion

 Trending Ae Inspired Transition Tutorial


                 Alight Motion Transition 



Hi everyone my name is Rc Ramesh show and in this Alight Motion tutorial, I’m going to show you five stylish transition effects that you can create for your vlogs, videos and projects including fades flashes and glitch transitions, so before we begin this tutorial I just want to say if you’re not following me on Instagram social media go follow me a lot of you guys always want to message me examples and links and it’s a lot easier for you to just DM me on Instagram.


 I look forward to connecting you guys more on there and getting into this tutorial I’ve got a sequence of example, Clips laid out on this timeline with just a simple cut in between them so we’re going to be building all these transitions, right within premiere so let’s ease into it with a pretty simple but transition, that you might want to use in the beginning or end of a project is the crop open or closed barn door transition.

Effects Panel:

so let’s head over to the effects panel on the right hand side I’m going to be in this menu a lot so if you don’t see it then I’m just working on the default all panels and window workspace, reset default workspace so that’s how I have everything on the side here but let’s open up the video transitions and under the white folder you should see one called barn doors these transition effects, which you can see have a diamond symbol here are able to be dragged right in between clips or at the start or end of Clips

  so if I place that at the start of this clip and click on that transition, you should see in the effects control panel a few different options basically you can just choose what direction you want it to open up from south to north or east to west.

so if I click this down arrow then it will open up up and down like I want and you can reverse it if it’s not opening up the way you want now by default it’s one second long but if you want a little bit more of a slower cinematic feel you can stretch out that transition so it takes a couple more seconds and then you have a slow crop open effect alternatively you can drag the barn doors on the end of a clip and you’ll have a slow crop clothes effect.


 if you want to end out a project that way so that’s an easy functional transition, for your beginnings and ends if you want however next let’s talk about creating flash transitions, so if I want to flash from this clip to the next there’s a couple different ways that we can do this so one a really easy way is just search for the dip to white effect which you should find that also in the video transitions under the dissolve folder and if you click and drag it in between two Clips you can click on that transition adjust the alignment of it so Center at cut is what 

I’m going to do and by default it’s one second which is a little too slow it’s more of a white fade but if you want to turn that into a flash I like to just cut the length of this down to be barely even in half a second so when we play that back you can see it’s a lot more like a flash and a bump which you could sync to different pieces of music, alternatively there’s a ton of stock footages that you can find online like film reels and light leaks that you can place overtop of tracks. 

Effects Transition:

 you want to create some overlaps between the clips and this overlap is going to be the duration of the transition, so keep that in mind as well now for this one we’re going to go into the effects control panel and search for one called gradient wipe that should also be in the video effects transition folder I’ll click and drag this onto this clip directly and now we can just set a few keyframes, to make the transition, happen so in the effects control panel we can adjust the transition completeness, we have 0 to 100% you can also adjust the softness of the transition so it will create a little bit of feathering so it’s not as harsh between the light and dark now all you have to do is go to the beginning of the clip set the transition. 


 I’ll just play around see adjustment here, so that there’s not so much black happening from here you could play around in the direction if you want it to be diagonal and you can also set the wave speed, so what I’m going to do is increase the speed of this wave so that it really starts messing up as soon as the adjustment layer, hits now we can play that back and you see as soon as it goes on the adjustment layer, it starts glitching and noising up and it appears to glitch transition, into the next clip you could copy the same adjustment layer over.  


stylish video effects we can create right within premiere if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure you subscribe to my channel to stay tuned for all my future videos and if you’re looking for more zoom transitions slide transitions all that I have tons of more transition tutorials on the playlist on my channel so check those out if you like this video definitely leave a like on it lemon or spot in the comments and feel free to reach out to me on social media once again thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you next 

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