Efx Cover Thumbnail Materials Download

in this alight Motion tutorial, we will learn about shape transitions we will know that how can we make transitions without using any external plug- ins you can take any shape in this, even you can draw shape by pen tool it’s a simple technique it will work on all shapes so first we will make colour mate
 we are making only for base you can use any video clip or image if you want drop colour mate in timeline and add some extra video tracks in timeline for that right click on third video track and add 4 video tracks now we will take shape, for that click on graphics menu and choose ellipse it will create shape layer, adjust it and make circle shape now align it in centre and vertical for that ,click on graphics menu and choose horizontal and vertical align now we will make animation on this shape right to centre move then Centre to extend on full screen move play head to centre and click on position in effects panel it will make starting keyframe now we will move the shape in right side and we will move play head on 9th frame Now click on reset parameter it will move back shape to centre and it will make right to Centre animation now click on scale under position in effects control, and move play head to 21st keyframe now extend the scale size as much as it can cover all the screen so now right to centre and Centre to zoom in animation has be

en created 

 we can see it now we will make one copy of it for that press and hold alt key and drag it upside now move copy on 6th frame now we will change the colour of second copy, for that click on graphics menu and in edit menu click on shape and choose colour now we will make one more copy of it click and hold alt key and drag up side we will keep it on 12th frame will change its colour too now let’s play it and check to make it more attractive we will put some effects on shape in effects choose drop shadow and drag and drop on second shape layer now in effects panel choose opacity to 90% drop shadow and distance zero and softness set 25 now copy it and paste it on third shape player by pressing control plus V so, our intro is done now we will make outro
 I will cut it from here and we will delete extras now we will make copy of these select all three and press and hold Alt key and drag it right side now select all three and right click and choose nest after that right click and choose speed duration and select reverse now let’s play and check it now I will check it on video clips for that will import 2 video clips we can delete colour mate now so, as you can see middle cut in intro and outro you have to keep same position on two different clips so, this shape animation can work properly so, this way you can make transition by using shapes in premiere Pro if you like the video then subscribe to channel like and share the video 

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