How To Make Trending Simple Badass Transition Tutorial In Alight Motion Tutorial
Hello video creators welcome to Rc Edits today we’re going to Simple Badass Transition making shapes with the track matte key effect to create the following transitions
Were just few examples of what you can do with this technique once you understand how this works you’ll see that the possibilities are endless and now after this energetic intro i’ll slow it down and show you step by step how it’s done inside premiere pro right after the message of our sponsor squarespace if you want to build your own website or web store then definitely check out squarespace i’ve used them for more than two years now and i can confirm that it’s easy to start with their award-winning templates even if you don’t have any experience with web design and their templates are built in such a way that will look great on any device like your pc tablet or smartphone use the link tourism to get the free trial or 10 discount on your first purchase the links can be found in the video description
Add Video Clips:
Now i’m going to show you how to make this transition in adobe premiere pro inside premiere, i’ve already got these two clips on the timeline that will come to use for the demo we’re going to start by moving the second video to the second track of the timeline and let it overlap for a few seconds with the first video here you can see the duration, of the overlap which will also be the duration for the transition
next we’re going to switch to the eraser tool by hitting the c key and then cut the second video at the end of the first video and after that we can switch back to the selection tool by hitting the v key and then i’ll move the left over of the second video back to the first track because this is the part that we’re going to use for the transition.
Add Shapes:
now it’s time to add a shape to the video and in this case we’re going to add a circle and we’re going to do this with the ellipse tool that you can find here, which is often hidden under the pen tool we can now simply left-click somewhere in the program monitor and then draw a circle and by holding this shift key you can make a perfect circle instead of making an oval shape for the transition we’ll need a circle that is about this big now we need to switch back to the selection tool by hitting the v key or click this icon here
next i’m going to shorten the duration of the graphic layer so it will match with the transition in the next steps we’ll come to animate the circle make sure you’ve got the graphic layer, selected and head over to the effects control panel in here i’m going to open up the shape layer and then enable keyframes for position and skill by clicking on the stopwatch icon and then
i’m going to zoom out in the program monitor because we need to work outside of the frame now we’re going to start the animation here in the right bottom corner.
So i’m going to play around with position values until the circle is just out of the frame it might be a little hard to see but the position of the circle is here where the red box is and that’s our starting position as well so we’re going to move these two keyframes, to the beginning and for the next set of keyframes
we’re going to move the circle back into the frame and then we’re going to scale it up so it will fill up the entire frame and with these two sets of keyframes, we’ve created this animation and to make the animation a bit more smoother.
we’re going to right click on the last set of keyframes and then select ease in and for the first set of keyframes, we’ll select ease out and finally i will also move the last set of keyframes, to the end of the transition and this is what we’ve got so far next we’re going to use this white shape to reveal the second video and to do this we need to add the track matte key effect in the effects panel ation by right clicking on the first keyframe and then select ease out and for the last keyframe we’re going to select ease in and for the middle keyframes, we’re going to select bezier and this is what we’ve got so far and to finish it off we can also enable the stroke for the rectangle and also here i’m using a gray color and i will also increase the width of the stroke and because, we’ve already selected the luma option you can see the results right away and that’s it for this one let’s have a look at the final results okay i’ve got one more example for you so let’s go for this transition.
Second Keyframes:
we’re going to add two rectangles, with the rectangle tool i’m going to add the first one on the top half of the frame and the second one on the bottom half and then i’ll move back to the timeline and cut the tracks with the razor tool and remove, the parts that we don’t need with the selection tool select the graphics layer move over to the effects control panel and then enable keyframes, for position for the first shape then i’m going to move this keyframe with the final position to the end of the transition and then we’ll reposition the rectangle all the way to the left outside of the frame and then move this keyframe.
The beginning of the transition now we’re going to do the same steps with the keyframes, for the next shape but in this case we’ll move it to the opposite direction and also move the first keyframe, to the beginning of the transition and finally we’ll also add ease in and ease out keyframes to make the animation more smoother and that’s it for this example let’s have a look at the final results and that also concludes this premiere pro tutorial i hope you enjoyed this one and if you did you might also want to check out this video anyway as always thanks a lot for watching, and i hope you have a wonderful day