Trending Shake Preset Pack

 Trending  Shake Preset Pack Alight Motion

 Today I’d be showing you how to do the shake effect in Alight Motion 

 Also another term is like maybe the the hit effect it’s gonna basically be shaking the footage under our control so little before just someone punching, right like so nothing too interesting now when we add in our footage you’ll notice that there is this sort of this punch this kick to it when he punches and it makes everything sort of tie together it gives it more force more action.


      we’re gonna be doing today this is a very flexible effect, it can be used for really anything if you want to use it to like bump to a beat or sort of do something a car accident or any other sort of hits or where you just want to move it to a element a plot element then this is the perfect effect for you so first things first all we got to do is create ourselves a new sequence I’m gonna I can close out the sequence,

  I have take my footage right here, and just drag it in and it’ll create itself a new sequence with all of these settings I got this footage from Envato elements which is a great place if you want to have basically unlimited amounts, of stock footage it’s a monthly fee and you can download as much as you want even creates like the licensing and stuff for you which I am a big fan of if you are interested in that go ahead and check out the link in the description below it’s a great deal for what you get and I love using it we are then going to go into our footage here and you’ll notice that it starts off in slow motion.

     we don’t want it in slow motion, so I’m gonna go ahead and right click go speed duration and just double the speed and it pretty much looks like fast motion now now what we need to do is we got to duplicate the footage so click on it hold the Alt key and drag up and you’ll see that we now just have an exact replica, and what we want to do is we want to cut right before the hits so right about here move forward until after the hits are done right about there and then throw away the back footage you can click the delete key or you can right click and then go up to clear to remove, that we then have the footage and we are ready to begin first things first. 

 we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna go to the beginning, of the footage we’re going to look for an effect called transform now we could just use the position up here in motion however, we lose the ability to add motion blur if we do that so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to drag on the transform and we’re going to use these motion effects instead of these motion, effects this will again allow us to add a little motion blur make it all look a little bit better we’re gonna click on our footage.

    we’re then going to go into position click the little keyframe right here, we’re then going to move forward and try to find the point where we want it to start maybe right about here go one frame two frames forward give it a little bit of a kick to the right we don’t want to do too extreme the reason we’re copying is because now the bottom layer, is sort of helping us there’s not a black bar right here but if we go too far it becomes really noticeable so we just want to go a few frames up and down maybe like so if you want to do something a little bit more intense what you can do is you can actually zoom, it in so if we for example zooms it into 110 we now have the ability to move it a lot farther and it’s still within our footage you just have to zoom it in a bit so it’s your choice on how you want to do it don’t want to zoom in past about 115 anything past that and you start losing, a lot of resolution so you have two options there either zoom it or just kind of keep it normal and make the movements very very tiny and that’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna make the tiny movements here.

  so I’m gonna move just a little bit over we move just a little bit up and now you’ll see that when we hit it moves just a bit so then after our movement, we can click on the footage and then jump to our last keyframe, here we’re to move maybe one two and then we want to reset it so we just move it out for just a second and then have it come back you can see we have just a little bit of a hit right there maybe we want to add just a little bit more flare to that so all we have to do is just find the point where it hits where we moved it and maybe make it instead of 974 like 999 90 yeah and then maybe just a tad bit more on the up here and then now let’s take a look yeah it looks a little bit stronger, now and so now we’re gonna do the exact same thing for the next one so create a keyframe right before they hit maybe Ray y’all do here because that actually isn’t moved we’ll have to choose which frame we wanna do it maybe I’ll put it right here. 

   I’m gonna add the keyframe move, forward one or two frames really accent that hit a bit have it kind of out have it come up a bit the reason I’m going this direction is because that’s kind of the way the force of the punch is going so I’m trying to move with the force of the punch move forward one or two frames, reset it and then now we have nice one-two right there and you can see that there’s a nice sort of a strong movement with that last hit now we got to clean this up a little bit first things first let’s add in that motion blur gonna go unchecked uncheck the use composition shutter, angle go to the shoulder angle bring it all the way up like so the more you bring it up the more motion blur since we’re doing small motion.  

 I’m gonna bring it up as high as possible to try to add as much motion blur, as I can you see that it’s not much but it does move just a little bit it blurs everything in the direction and that just kind of cleans up the action just a little bit and then we’re gonna go into our effects I’m going to look for something called, cross dissolve cross dissolve is going to blend us in with the background a little bit better so click on this and drag it down we can zoom.

   we want is a couple frames here, and what this is gonna do is it’s gonna blend us in with the bottom here, so it looks a little bit less noticeable whenever we go through it now we’re gonna hit play you can see that we’re having a pretty good effect right here so boom boom and if you notice that you watch it one time you won’t notice it but if you watch it over and over you’re starting to see that maybe this is moving too far off the background with the movement, and so maybe we want to try change it up a bit and maybe add just a tiny bit of zoom to it like 105 if we’re gonna do it like that and now if you do that you gotta realize that if you zoom the top layer in the cross dissolves might need to be dropped otherwise. 

   you’re gonna get that weird sort of zoom and zoom out, so we have the punch right there of course we can always touch it up now that we have a little zoom on it let’s kind of bring it out even more a little bit bring it up some and you can see it blurs even more and now we kind of have a really strong hit happening here, that second one I say could he be even more powerful as well so bring it over really make that move maybe make that one go down and there we go now we got like a really strong sort of punch it makes this look incredibly strong.

 shake effect it’s not that hard of an effect to pull off you just sort of add a little bit of motion blur use the transform, tab if you need to cross as all if you need to zoom it in and you can do this anywhere in your footage and have a really really solid and reliable and flexible way of adding the shake effect thanks I remember joining me if you have any question or comments go in the comment section below, on our website at ob masters dotnet if you want to see more videos some of this one go and that subscribe button I make a video every other day or at least I try to ah and it’s all that’s done guys see ya you                  

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