5 Transition Preset Pack Download

              Transition Preset Pack Download

 i wasn’t sure i was gonna make this video i wasn’t sure if you guys were ready for it but you know what i said the heck with it let’s do it in today’s video i’m gonna be showing you guys how to make three essential transitions in  Alight Motion  not only are these transitions essential to know they will make your videos pop they will make your videos slack they will make your videos 10 times better just by using these transitions and you can make them all entirely in adobe Alight Motion

 we’re not going to use after effects none of that so who’s ready if you’re ready hit the like button down below and let’s get right into it first transition i’m going to be showing you guys how to make is a simple flash transition i actually think that the default additive dissolve transition that Alight Motion  has is absolute garbage so we’re actually gonna make this flash transition completely from scratch so let’s just check it out so you can see it just hits on the beat it slaps on the beat and it makes the video knock harder

 so let’s get into how to make this from scratch what you want to do is come down here to your left panel and go to where it says new item hit adjustment layer go ahead and just hit okay it’s as easy as that and you’re just going to pull that into your timeline right here in order to make this effect you’re going to come up here to your effects panel you’re going to type in brightness and contrast pretty simple pretty self-explanatory and we’re just going to make this flash transition lasts about six frames start here at the very beginning 


we’re just gonna tab over six frames one two three four five six we’re just gonna chop this excess off right there we’re gonna come to this middle frame right here and we’re gonna make two keyframes one on brightness one on contrast so we’re just gonna go ahead and bring up the brightness a ton we’re gonna change the contrast a ton and we’re just gonna get creative with it you know play around with it there’s no right answer there’s no right way to make these flash transitions this is just one way to do it that i think is super dope you’re gonna go three frames to the left one two three this is where the very beginning is and we’re just gonna reset these parameters right here so that’s just gonna make a new keyframe right here at the beginning and set both of these values back to zero so now when i tab over you can see it gets really bright now we’re gonna go all the way to the last frame on the right one two three and we’re gonna do the same thing we’re just gonna reset so it’s gonna get really bright and then it’s gonna go right back to normal at the very end take this adjustment layer and place it over two clips just like that so now let’s check that out pretty easy very simple love this effect flash transition all the way it will always be one of those effects that i use in every single type of edit i do i think making them from scratch looks way better than additive dissolve let’s move on to our next effect 

so this next effect is so dope it’s just a quick blur effect it’s a super subtle way to transition from one clip to the next i really love this effect i think it slaps it makes the beat go crazy so let’s check it out so i don’t even know if you guys noticed it or not but there is a transition happening in between these two clips right here and you can see right there it just gets blurry and then it goes back to normal so check this out now there’s no transition at all right here so it just goes right into the next clip what we want to do to make this transition work is just go three frames to the left from this cut one two three and then you wanna slice that clip like it’s some turkey on thanksgiving so we’re just gonna make a cut right there and we’re gonna go six frames to the right one two three four five six we’re gonna make another cut right there and we’re just gonna take both of these clips that we just cut and right click them and hit nest nesting will basically bake both of those clips into a little layer so they’re their own clip now you basically combine two clips into one basically so pretty cool feature in adobe Alight Motion  and then what you got to do is come up here to your effects tab and just look up this effect called fastboard


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 we’re gonna throw one of them puppies on there and we’re just gonna hit this blurriness right in the middle we’re gonna keyframe this blurriness but not for horizontal and vertical no no no no that looks really blurry not really cool at all do not do that so we’re just gonna pick horizontal or vertical for this i’m gonna go with the horizontal classic and we’re just gonna increase the blur amount as much as we want so we can get very blurry as you can see like this but when you pick horizontal you get these kind of streaks across the screen instead of having horizontal and vertical where it’s just all blurry that’s why i like using horizontal and vertical personally and then what you got to do is go to the very beginning and we’re going to go ahead and reset that keyframe we’re going to go all the way to the end and hit reset again so now it’s going to get not blurry then it gets blurry and then it gets not blurry again so let’s check it out in full motion right here let’s move on to the last transition which is also probably the most fire transition you can learn how to make there’s a lot of ways to make it so let’s get into it so for this last example 

i’m going to show you guys how to make a quick mask transition in  Alight Motion  masking is essential if you want to be good at editing videos it’s something that i use in a lot of projects and there’s a lot of ways to go about masking but i’m going to show you guys a creative way to use masking to create a transition in adobe Alight Motion  so check out this mask transition right here very quick very subtle very simple yeah i have my second clip that i’m transitioning to above my first clip that i’m transitioning from so that’s step one you gotta have your second clip above your first clip step two is to just start right here at the very beginning and click on your top clip you’re going to come up here to opacity and you’re going to hit this pen tool right so what you’re going to do is on this first frame you’re just going to make like a shape or cut out whatever you want to do i like these like jagged cutouts that type of vibe so it looks like that and then what i like to do is decrease the mask feather we don’t want that mask feather coming around here from this point you can see our first mask it’s pretty dope i love this i love the way it looks a lot of ways to get creative with this so what i’m going to do from here is just keyframe our mask path right there at the first keyframe i’m gonna go ahead and go two frames to the right one two i’m gonna hit another keyframe right here and that’s gonna basically just save this mask where it is now 

‘m gonna go one more frame to the right i’m gonna retrace this mask a little bit so i’m just gonna drag these points out a little bit more now that we’re a little bit farther into this transition we’re revealing more of that clip underneath just tweaking each point that we’ve made and we get something like this right so pretty dope and now what we’re gonna do is just go two more frames to the right one two we’re gonna hit another keyframe on this one so this one saves right now we’re just gonna go one more to the right and we’re gonna come back up here to our mask and we’re just gonna take each of these points and we’re gonna keep dragging them out and it’s as easy as that guys all you got to do is go frame by frame just drag these points out until you get something that looks dope you might do this a few times before you get a good result now we have that one done we’re going to go ahead and finish up now so we’re going to come two more to the right one two make our last keyframe there and now we’re gonna reveal the entire clip underneath

 so now we’re gonna go one more to the right and we’re gonna highlight our mask and we’re just gonna pull all these points to the edges just like that perfect this is excellent great work and boom that’s all it takes so now when we kind of hover back over it you can see the transition kind of just popping out at you and when we play that back in real time check out what it looks like thanks so much for watching today’s tutorial i’m feeling very excited about these next couple of videos i’m coming out with these effect videos are only going to keep getting better i’m doing a ton of research on how to make better effects and digging deep into some of my old files as well to find old effects that i’ve used and created 

We’re going to be spilling that sauce on the internet for the foreseeable future so if you want to be a part of this community and learn and grow with us definitely consider hitting that subscribe button below and if you could only use one of these transitions that i showed you today which one would it be comment down below i’m excited to see some of your guys’s responses and if you’re a video editor who is serious about making videos and better edits check out my website venturevisuals.com i got a lot of sauce on there you can try out some of my products completely for free so definitely check that out i’ll include a link below like i said before i’m excited for these next series of videos so stay tuned and again guys thanks for watching my video i’m jake venner peace out you 

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